If you find yourself in a situation where you need to add trailing zeros you can use one of the following methods:
Method 1. Using a while loop:
[cce lang="abap"] DATA variable TYPE c LENGTH 16 VALUE '123'. DATA string_length TYPE i. DATA type_length TYPE i. DATA counter TYPE i. DESCRIBE FIELD variable LENGTH type_length IN CHARACTER MODE. string_length = type_length - strlen( variable ). WHILE counter < string_length. counter = counter + 1. CONCATENATE variable '0' INTO variable. ENDWHILE. [/cce]
In this method, you need 3 additional temp variables and few operations.
Method 2. Using a TRANSLATE keyword:
[cce lang="abap"] DATA variable TYPE c LENGTH 16 VALUE '123'. TRANSLATE variable USING ' 0'. [/cce]
In this method, you don’t need any additional variables. Furthermore its only one line of code and it’s three-time faster than method 1.